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Wira Multi Agung

Kerajinan Anyaman Rotan Dan Bambu

Wira Multi Agung adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Kerajinan Rotan dan bambu yang berbasiskan Industri Rumahan. Dengan tetap menjaga mutu dan kwalitas pada produk yang kami hasilkan, sehingga produk kami banyak diminati oleh konsumen lokal maupun luar negeri. Produk yang kami hasilkan diantaranya adalah Keranjang Rotan, Keranjang sepeda, Keranjang, Bunga, Keranjang Buah, Keranjang Souvenir, Keranjang Baju (Laundry Basket), Tas Piknik, Keranjang Nampan, Tempat Payung (Umbrella Basket), Keranjang Hewan (Pet Basket), Replika Binatang, Keranjang Parcel, Keranjang Hantaran, Keranjang Bayi, Tempat Tisu dan Anyaman Bambu.

Rattan Baskets Black Wash
One of the products that we produce is Wicker Basket Black Wash, By applying this technique, the curves or the sidelines webbing may give the impression of an antique or classic Wicker Basket caused by the depth of the dark shades of black color of the product created Wicker Basket, and may show the beauty of the fiber or the texture of the base material of Wicker Basket.

Rattan Basket White Wash
Wicker Basket Products wich we produced has high quality wich can not take apart from finishing techniques. One of wicker basket product we have is wicker basket white wash here we can see the product wicker basket with two basic colors namely white can and color effects. Finishing techniques that we apply to wicker basket white wash basically the same as wicker basket black wash techniques, is by our secret formula finishung techniques. In the finishing process we use environmentally friendly material namely water based materials.

Rattan Baskets Natural Lacak To produce Wicker Basket that look natural needed raw materials and quality finishing techniques. One that we did to produce Wicker Basket is the finishing technique. First of all Wicker Basket given base layer, and then given a final coating by using clear Top Coating (Paint transparent). With this technique the fiber Wicker Basket will look more natural, and the colors of Wicker Basket will appear with it's natural charm.

Koboo Grey Rattan Baskets
One of Wicker Basket we produce is Wicker Basket Koboo Grey, grey that arises is the natural color. To get the natural color of Wicker Basket koboo gray is by soaking the koboo white (material) in muddy water. To get high quality koboo grey, the soaking needs around 2 to 3 weeks.The refore we need longer time to produce the product.

Fitrit Rattan Baskets
Wicker Basket that we produce is processed entirely by hand using skills (hand made). The finishing techniques that we apply to products Wicker Basket is to provide a base layer that is sanding sealer and then given a final coat with a clear top coat color that we want.



Jl. STPI Curug Gg. Vihara Margasari No. 27
Curug Kulon, Curug, Tangerang 15810
Banten, Indonesia



Kusmana (Marketing Lokal)
Mobile Phone: 0812 8952 616

Rizki Koswara (Marketing Internasional)
Mobile Phone: 0852 8003 5521

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